Awesome Conversion Script

Import/Export CSV, Excel, PDF, Database , Array, HTML, SQL, XML

Convert Array To CSV

/* Step 1: create object of the ACS class */
   $ACS=new ACS();

  * Generates the csv file as output from the array provided. 
  * Returns true if operation performed successfully else return false.
  * @param   array     $csvArray             	Associative array with key as column name and value as table values.
  * @param   string    $outputFileName          Output csv file name

Convert Array To DB

/* Step 1: create object of the ACS class */
   $ACS=new ACS();

  * Insert the data from two dimensional associative array to database using insert batch operation. Returns true 
  * if operation performed successfully
  * @param   array     $data             	2 Dimensional Associative array with key as column name and value as table values.

Convert Array To Excel

/* Step 1: create object of the ACS class */
   $ACS=new ACS();

  * Generates the excel file as output from the array provided. 
  * Returns true if operation performed successfully else return false.
  * @param   array     $excelArray             	Associative array with key as column name and value as table values.
  * @param   string    $outputFileName          Output excel file name

Convert Array To HTML

/* Step 1: create object of the ACS class */
   $ACS=new ACS();

  * Generates the html table as output from the array provided.
  * @param   array     $htmlArray             	Associative array with key as column name and value as table values.

Convert Array To PDF

/* Step 1: create object of the ACS class */
   $ACS=new ACS();

  * Generates the pdf as output from the array provided. Returns true if operation performed successfully else return false
  * @param   array     $pdfArray             	Associative array with key as column name and value as table values.
  * @param   string    $outputFileName          Output pdf file name

Convert Array To XML

/* Step 1: create object of the ACS class */
   $ACS=new ACS();

  * Generates the xml as output from the array provided. Returns true if operation performed successfully else return false
  * @param   array     $xmlArray             	Associative array with key as column name and value as table values.
  * @param   string    $outputFileName          Output xml file name

Generate Array From CSV

/* Step 1: create object of the ACS class */
   $ACS=new ACS();

  * Read a CSV File and return content as an array.
  * @param   string    $fileName       			Path of file with file name (default is 'file.csv')
  * return   array                              return content array

Generate Array From Excel

/* Step 1: create object of the ACS class */
   $ACS=new ACS();

  * Read an excel file and return content as array
  * @param   string    $fileName                excel file name
  * return   array                              return array 

Generate Array From HTML

/* Step 1: create object of the ACS class */
   $ACS=new ACS();

  * Read an html file/html and return content as array
  * @param   string    $html               	    html as string or xml file name
  * return   array                        	    return array

Generate Array From XML

/* Step 1: create object of the ACS class */
   $ACS=new ACS();

  * Read an xml file/xml and return content as array
  * @param   string    $xml               	    xml as string or xml file name
  * return   array                              return array